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Gamma reaches enviable engagement rates with Redflags®

Written by ThinkCyber | 27-Jun-2024 16:20:07


Redflags® by ThinkCyber improves the effectiveness of the security awareness programme at Gamma, a modern B2B communications provider, with in-the-moment nudges that reach and engage their whole organisation to reduce their operational risk. 


Key Results


Meet Gamma

Gamma Communications plc is a leading supplier of communication services in the UK, German, Spanish and Dutch business markets. Gamma is admitted to trading on AIM and employs approximately 1,900 people. With a range of UCaaS, mobile and connectivity services, Gamma provides robust and secure solutions that enable organisations to communicate, collaborate and offer a better customer experience.
Gamma’s vision is for a better-connected world in which we can work smarter for the benefit of business, people, and the planet by developing a strong and sustainable pan-European product set, building a leading position in the UCaaS and CCaaS markets.
For more information about Gamma and its comprehensive range of services, please visit


A modern communications provider in need of a modern security awareness solution

Gamma Communications plc (“Gamma”), a leading technology-based provider of communication services across Europe has a mission to make business communications less complex, and more human. This is what helps set them apart from the competition. This approach runs throughout the business, from how they like to work with their chosen technology providers to choosing tooling that’s lightweight and removes complexity.

During the hunt for a security awareness solution that fitted into this ethos, Amy Lemberger, Group Security Director at Gamma, came across ThinkCyber and was immediately drawn to Redflags as an alternative to traditional eLearning.   

“It’s very much a partnership, which I really needed and appreciated at the time. [ThinkCyber] are doing something different which, given we’re a technology company who are also doing things in a more technically-savvy way, engages our people and fits our culture.” 

Amy Lemberger, Group Security Director, Gamma Communications plc.


Lightweight but heavy hitting 

From the outset, the team at Gamma saw how ThinkCyber’s approach to delivering lightweight tooling meant that they weren’t being burdened with a constant stream of administration, something that often happens with phishing simulations and computer-based training. Paul Clayton, Head of Security Engineering at Gamma, specifically wanted his team to “focus on what matters, without creating an infrastructure of people whose purpose is just to nag the rest of the organisation to do training or resit it”. Indeed, with Redflags Gamma’s security team can focus on delivering meaningful value, supported by the Customer Success team who are on hand to provide best practise advice whenever it’s needed. 

“It wasn’t just the case that [ThinkCyber] gave us a tool and walked away, but they showed us how to make it as effective as possible”

Amy Lemberger, Group Security Director, Gamma Communications plc.

Redflags’ combination of nudges, timely and contextualised interventions, at the point of risk, is what won users over too. When Amy presented Redflags to the business as their new security awareness solution, the feedback was unanimous: “It’s so much less invasive and more interesting. It’s so much more relevant.”
At the heart of this feedback was the ability of the Gamma team, supported by ThinkCyber, to create highly relevant campaign content that engaged the users. 


Encouraging a security culture of curiosity and learning 

The fact that Redflags’ campaign feature can be tailored enabled Paul and his team to take examples and trends of cyber events, and turn them into a series of nudges and stories that raise awareness. This highly contextualised content struck a chord with Gamma’s people who instantly connected to and engaged with the material. 

“You’re not just covering unknown sender checks, dodgy attachments and the like, but a much wider range of topics that can be easily tailored and provide new and interesting information to people.”

Paul Clayton, Head of Security Engineering, Gamma Communications plc. 

By combining interesting content with in-the-moment delivery Gamma have achieved enviable voluntary engagement rates of over 85% across the business for over a year. In fact, Amy has shared how the Security’s team ability to reach and engage so many colleagues across the business with Redflags is the envy of other teams, 

With a new campaign content being launched every 6 weeks or so, Paul has improved a wide range of behaviours, from how to use (or not!) cloud storage, Generative AI, USB sticks to more traditional topics of phishing and spotting dodgy email attachments. For example, in just 3 months Gamma saw a reduction in link clicks in emails from unknown senders by 35.9%.

Improving security behaviours, for the long-term.

In the four-plus years of working with ThinkCyber, Gamma have made notable improvements to their people’s digital behaviours. Most importantly, and unlike traditional annual training exercises, these behavioural changes have been lasting thanks to the always on, real-time nature of Redflags. 

Interested in learning how Redflags can help you to reduce your operational risk?
Contact us at or book a demo