
The latest security awareness news and articles from ThinkCyber. Tips, trends, case studies and more. Read online.

6 ways to boost engagement in your security programme

6 ways to boost engagement in your security programme

September 1, 2020

Still chasing users to do their awareness training? How do you drive engagement to reach 90% completion rates in security awareness programme?

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What auditors want to see in your security awareness programme

What auditors want to see in your security awareness programme

August 3, 2020

We interviewed practitioners, security auditors and security professionals with responsibility for corporate information security awareness programmes

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6 changes you should make to your security awareness training

6 changes you should make to your security awareness training

August 2, 2020

Still chasing users to do their awareness training? How do you drive engagement to reach 90% completion rates in security awareness programme?

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6 things users don’t like about their security awareness programme

6 things users don’t like about their security awareness programme

August 1, 2020

Mention “mandatory training” to almost any employee and they will likely roll their eyes in despair. So how do we engage people to drive secure behaviours?

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